Volunteer and Donate
Want to contribute your “Time, Talent and/or Treasure?”
You can support Glade Valley Community Services in a number of ways, such as volunteering, contributing expertise, offering resources, offering talents or donating funds.
Newsletter Editor:
Help with the creation and editing of the newsletter that is published 3 times a year. (Some computer skills required)
Back-To-School Program:
Christina | 301-845-0213
Food Bank:
Contact Donna or Brenda at 301-845-4229 Volunteers contact Mary Kay at [email protected]
Thrift Shop:
Mitzi and Mel | 301-845-0213
Holiday Toy Shoppe:
Ann or Mary Ann | 301-845-0213
We are a 501 (c) (3) non-profit agency and all programs, as well as administration, is 100% volunteer run.
Making Donations
Your tax-deductible contributions support the vital programs and services of Glade Valley Community Services.
Please mail your donation to:
Glade Valley Community Services, P.O. Box 655, Walkersville, MD 21793.
If you wish to earmark your gift to a specific program, you may write the program name on the memo line and it will be deposited into that program’s funds. You may also leave it blank or write General Fund on that line then we will use it for whichever program needs it the most.